Oweynagat Cave

A black cat guards the entrance to Oweynagat Cave, Roscommon

Oweynagat’s resident cat guards the entrance way to the otherworld • Roscommon

Exploring Oweynagat Cave – A Portal to the Otherworld?

Inside Oweynagat Cave, Roscommon

The main part of the cave is narrow, but high • Roscommon

Inside Oweynagat Cave, Roscommon

The main part of the cave is narrow, but high • Roscommon

One of the slabs is of particular interest, as it bears an ogham inscription.

VRAICCI MAQI MEDVI[the stone of] Fráoch, Son of Medb.

It appears that the passage continued to the north-west (on the right as you have the entrance behind you), though that section of the souterrain has long since collapsed. A second ogham inscription on one of the collapsed lintels was recorded as:


Upper left: the ogham script on the lintel just inside the cave mouth • Lower left: the souterrain section is particularly tight to navigate! • Right: the entrance to Oweynagat

Top: the ogham script on the lintel just inside the cave mouth • Middle: the entrance to Oweynagat • Bottom: the souterrain section is particularly tight to navigate!

A short video tour of the cave by Neil, best enjoyed with headphones in full screen • Roscommon