Innisfallen Island

The hiberno romanesque oratory church at Innisfallen Abbey on Innisfallen Island Kerry

The Hiberno-Romanesque oratory • Innisfallen Island

Innisfallen Abbey

A two light window in the church of Innisfallen Abbey on Innisfallen Island

The two-light window in the church • Innisfallen Island

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The Later History of Innisfallen Abbey and the Legend of Innisfallen Island

A romanesque face in the church of Innisfallen Abbey on Innisfallen Island Kerry. It may represent St Finian

A Hiberno-Romanesque face, a representation of St Fíonán? • Innisfallen Island

A romanesque face in the church of Innisfallen Abbey on Innisfallen Island Kerry. It may represent St Finian

A Hiberno-Romanesque face, a representation of St Fíonán? • Innisfallen Island

Innisfallen Island is one of 24 islands on Lough Leane. Another of these, Ross Island, lies just to the south-east, and is connected to the mainland via a small bridge. The island is significant as it provides some of Ireland’s earliest evidence of copper mining. Unfortunately most of the remains have been destroyed by later mining so there is little to see today. A recent archaeological excavation of a small cave on Ross Island uncovered stone hammers and flint tools, believed to date to the earlier part of the Bronze Age. If you are lucky on the boat journey, you may also see a white-tailed sea eagle that nests on the shoreline.

Though there are many other places of interest nearby, there is something special about Innisfallen Island. The island was described by the 19th century antiquarian Samuel Lewis as: ‘the most beautiful and interesting of all in the Lower Lake; it is extremely fertile and richly clothed with wood to the water’s edge…’ And it would be hard to disagree with that assessment!

Upper left: the churches of Innisfallen Abbey • Lower left: the cloisters • Right: the Hiberno-Romanesque doorway of the oratory

Top: the churches of Innisfallen Abbey • Middle: the Hiberno-Romanesque doorway of the oratory • Bottom: the cloisters