You can certainly get some information on particular places of interest that way, and while some of that is good, there’s unfortunately quite a lot of bad information too. Often copied and pasted from other sources, or compiled by people who have never visited the sites (or in some cases, people who have never even been to Ireland!)
This means you can’t always trust that you have the right story, or that you even have permission to visit a monument. Or you might miss little hidden features, or another great site that happens to be just down the road if only you knew. Trying to do it all through Google means you have to dig through a lot of stuff to find reliable information.
We are experienced archaeologists and sustainable tourism experts, trusted by national bodies and local authorities all around Ireland. You can rely on our information. In our work for Abarta Heritage we’ve worked with communities across the island, and produced over 50+ audio guides, as well as countless heritage and sustainable tourism audits, and numerous public archaeology projects. Neil has also written acclaimed guidebooks for the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East, as well as hosting the popular Amplify Archaeology Podcast.
Simply put, we live and breathe researching and sharing Ireland’s heritage. You could not be in safer hands.