Elizabeth Fort, Cork City

Discover Ireland with the Monument Monday Newsletter by Tuatha and Abarta Heritage
Discover Ireland with the Monument Monday Newsletter by Tuatha and Abarta Heritage
The exhibition in Elizabeth Fort Cork City

An Irish soldier wielding a halberd battles with an English musketeer in Elizabeth Fort in 1603 • Cork City

The Sieges and History of Elizabeth Fort

The view from Elizabeth Fort Cork City

One of the bastions overlooking Cork City • Elizabeth Fort

The view from Elizabeth Fort Cork City

One of the bastions overlooking Cork City • Elizabeth Fort

A Cromwellian soldier in Cork City

A member of Cromwell’s New Model Army • Elizabeth Fort

Upper left: one of Elizabeth Fort’s cannon • Lower left: the walls • Right: the walkway along the top of the walls

Top: one of Elizabeth Fort’s cannons • Middle: the walkway along the top of the walls • Bottom: the walls