Drumcliffe Church

Sligo and Lough Gill Itinerary by Tuatha
Sligo and Lough Gill Itinerary by Tuatha
Drumcliffe Church Sligo

Drumcliffe • Sligo

Drumcliffe High Crosses

Early Medieval High Cross at Drumcliffe SligoThe depictions of the East Face

The West Face of the High Cross.
Tap the image to see a description of the panels

Early Medieval High Cross at Drumcliffe SligoThe depictions of the East Face

The West Face of the High Cross.
Hover over the image to see a description of the panels

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WB Yeats Gravestone at Drumcliffe Church

WB Yeats Gravestone at Drumcliffe Sligo

The gravestone of WB Yeats • Drumcliffe

WB Yeats Gravestone at Drumcliffe Sligo

The gravestone of WB Yeats • Drumcliffe

Upper left: the interior of the church • Lower left: a fragment of an early high cross inside the church • Right: Drumcliffe Church

Top: the interior of the church • Middle: Drumcliffe Church • Bottom: a fragment of an early high cross inside the church